1What is coaching?
Coaching is the art of observing the style of behaviour, thinking, perception and actions of the client. A coach, by asking specially selected questions and homework (exercises), helps the client to get to know his/her individual process. Thanks to the sessions, the client has the opportunity to look at himself/herself from the point of view of the observer and make changes through the conscious choices whether in the professional or private field. The entire coaching is carried out in accordance with the values of the client and his/her comfort zones. It is said that a good coach is a mirror for the client in which he/she can see himself/herself.
2How is it different from other training?
Other forms of making changes in life or work, such as group training, concern the problems of a wider human community. Coaching is an individual method of working with the client focused exclusively on his/her situation and challenges. It’s like sewing a suit for it to fit a person. In addition, coaching is a process that usually takes 10-12 weeks and training is usually a unit event (one-day/two-day).
3Is coaching related to psychotherapy?
Coaching is not a psychotherapeutic, psychiatric or other specialist impact on the client’s mind. Coaching can be run by both psychotherapists and people who are not related to psychology (but with skills and experience in this area).
4Who uses the session?
Depending on the form and type of coaching:
executive coaching
- addressed to business owners, CEOs, managing directors and other key managers in the company;
- business coaching;
- - for every person who is interested in increasing their effectiveness at work;
life coaching
- for every person who wants to make changes in their lives;
The above division is conventional because it relates more to the area in which the coach and “coachee” will move. It happens that the professional and private area intertwine.
5What do you work on?
It depends on the situation, the client’s needs and the position held in the organization.
The subject may be, for example:
- a new view on company management;
- solving conflicts and crisis situations;
- skills of a charismatic leader;
- overcoming own barriers and limitations’
- change of profession;
- planning a promotion;
- etc.
Above all, people who have a training workshop and business practitioners. We try to make a given training topic from a specific industry be discussed by a man who understands it from experience.
6Are the effects of coaching tangible?
Sessions are based only on:
- - real situations and events that the client encounters on a daily basis;
- - style of action and making customer decisions;
- - challenges the client is facing;
covering the area of business and market environment as well as relations with key business partners. That’s why our work translates into personal and company effectiveness. Coefficients of coaching effectiveness for the organization (sponsor) may include, for example, increase of profits, decrease of complaints, better quality, increase of team’s involvement or image improvement. For a coached person, gratification can be achieved in the feeling of job satisfaction, better relationships with team members, a sense of personal development, increasing the position in the organization or overcoming personal barriers.
7Are the sessions practical?
Sessions are practical and free of artificial and unnecessary theories that do not add anything to the client’s everyday life. We focus on solutions that will bring the customer to a higher level.
8What do sessions look like?
Coaching is carried out in the form of cyclical individual meetings (sessions) of the trainer with the client, implemented in the system of one meeting per week or every two weeks in the workplace or outside. At the first session, we make an introduction to coaching (often confused with training, mentoring, NLP system or psychotherapy), we set a goal (without this we do not start work) and we define the indicators of coaching effectiveness (focus on tangible results). From the second session, we start work on the client’s goal. Special tasks are set between the sessions, which enhance the effectiveness of coaching and focus the client more strongly on the goal. In special situations, the coach can be included in the current tasks and goals of the client.
Coaching jest przeprowadzany w formie cyklicznych indywidualnych spotkań (sesji) trenera z Klientem, realizowanych w systemie jedno spotkanie tygodniowo lub co dwa tygodnie w miejscu pracy bądź na zewnątrz. Na pierwszej sesji robimy wprowadzenie do coachingu (często mylony ze szkoleniem, mentoringiem, system NLP czy psychoterapią), ustalamy cel (bez tego nie rozpoczynamy pracy) oraz definiujemy wskaźniki efektywności coachingu (orientacja na namacalne wyniki). Od drugiej sesji rozpoczynamy pracę nad celem Klienta. Pomiędzy sesjami zadawane są specjalne zadania, które wzmacniają efektywność coachingu i mocniej ukierunkowują Klienta na wyznaczony cel. W szczególnych sytuacjach coach może zostać włączony do bieżących zadań i celów Klienta.
9What to avoid when looking for a coach?
The concept of coaching has become fashionable and sometimes used by pseudo-trainers, quack doctors and other people “healing” people. Coaching was thrown into one “bag” of a very wide range of services, performed on the one hand by professionals and amateurs. When looking for a coach for yourself, it is good to pay attention to such elements as qualifications and trainings, professional experience, references (also what persons they come from), coach’s environment and surroundings, personal impressions from the first session (usually it is free).