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OPTIM HUMAN Sp. z o. o. is part of EXCO A2A Polska Sp. z o. o. – advisory and consulting company operating in Poland since 1999 and being a local representative of the international EXCO group operating in the field of auditing, accounting expertise and consulting. Thanks to the presence of EXCO A2A Sp. z o. o. in 6 locations in the country and being a member of the international network KRESTON INTERNATIONAL associating over 740 offices in 108 countries, OPTIM HUMAN implements HR projects using the support of local partners who know the specificity of a given market.

OPTIM HUMAN provides HR services in the area of recruitment, training, coaching, HR consulting and HR analytics. It serves individual, business, prestigious and investment clients, as well as young start-up entities without a division into industries.


Business environment including relations with:
leading HR managers and HR experts on the market;
representatives of hard business (investors, business owners, entrepreneurs, board members and top managers);
business competences of OPTIM HUMAN team and partners in the area of HR, strategy, business development and investments;
Thanks to this, we better understand the organization’s challenges related to human resources management and their optimal use.
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the team is formed by business practitioners who are perfectly familiar with the HR area and combine their experience from other industries


rawncooperation with representatives of the world of investment and technology aimed at improving HR processes


building HR services taking into account current trends, technological solutions and generational changes


Stay up to date with the information.
5 February 2021

Biura typu OPEN SPACE.. HOT or NOT?

Biura typu Open space. Współpraca jeszcze nigdy nie była tak łatwa — przynajmniej tak mogłoby się wydawać...   Otwarte, niemalże nieograniczone przestrzenie, oparte na interakcji pracowników zastępują jednoosobowe boksy. Zdecydowanie zwiększa się pole ludzkiej widoczności w obrębie przestrzeni pracy. Rozmowy ustępują […]